Sygepleje BSN
Milledgeville, USA
4 Years
Anmod om ansøgningsfrist
Jan 2025
USD 46.410 / per year *
På campus
* for Out-of-State students | $3754 USD for In State students
Deltag i et topplaceret sygeplejeprogram
Et af de toprangerede programmer i staten Georgia, vores Bachelor of Science in Nursing-program er forpligtet til at udvikle sygeplejerskeledere, der demonstrerer beherskelse af klinisk ræsonnement, professionelle sygeplejefærdigheder og værdier.
Bachelor of Science i sygepleje er akkrediteret af Kommissionen for Collegiate Nursing Education.
Key Benefits of this Degree
- Vi tilbyder flere studier i udlandet, bachelor-forskningsmuligheder og lederudviklingsmuligheder.
- Vores bachelorprogram har en 92% første gangs NCLEX-testbeståelsesrate og er konsekvent anerkendt som en af de bedste i staten og nationen. En lederskabsbeslægtet er blevet trådt gennem BSN-programmet, der sikrer, at vi forbereder de næste ledere inden for sygepleje.
- Ikke alene har vi fuld akkreditering gennem Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education og fuld godkendelse fra Georgia State Board of Nursing, men vores avancerede Simulation and Translational Research Center fik for nylig provisorisk akkreditering af Society for Simulation i sundhedsvæsenet.
Core Areas A-E
Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.
Nursing majors should complete MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics as part of their Area D requirements.
Core Curriculum
Georgia College, in cooperation with other institutions of the University System of Georgia, has adopted a core curriculum to allow the transfer of credit from one University System institution to another without penalty to the student. The University System's core curriculum is comprised of five areas: Areas A - E.
Students successfully completing an Area A-E course at one University System institution will receive full credit in Areas A-E for the course upon transfer to another System institution, even if the area has not been completed, as long as the course is within the area hour limitations of either the sending institution or the receiving institution and the student does not change from a non-science major to a science major.
Georgia College's approved core curriculum courses for Areas A, B, C, D, and E are listed below. Courses not listed here are not approved for these areas.
In this section
- Area A: Communication Skills
- Area A2: Quantitative Skills
- Area B: Institutional Options
- Area C1: Humanities and Ethics
- Area C2: Fine Arts
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Non-Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Health Professions Majors
- Area E: Social Sciences
- Area F: Courses Appropriate to the Student's Major Field
Total Credit Hours: 42
Area F
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- BIOL 2251K Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 2252K Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIOL 2260K Foundations of Microbiology
- NRSG 2780 Healthcare Delivery Systems
- PSYC 2103 Intro to Human Development
Total Credit Hours: 18
Major Requirements
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- NRSG 3140 Therapeutic Health Assessment
- NRSG 3140L Therapeutic Health Assessment Clinical
- NRSG 3240 Foundations of Nursing Practice
- NRSG 3240L Foundations of Nursing Practice Clinical
- NRSG 3345 Nursing pathopharmacology
- NRSG 4001 Seminar: Human Cultures & World
- NRSG 3440 Intensive Nursing Management Adult/Gerontology I
- NRSG 3440L Intensive Nursing Management Adult/Gerontology I Clinical
- NRSG 3560 Community & Population-Based Nursing
- NRSG 3560L Community & Population-Based Nursing Clinical
- NRSG 3540 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
- NRSG 3540L Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Clinical
- NRSG 4002 Seminar: Intellectual & Practical Skills
- NRSG 4580 Intensive Nursing Management Adult/Gerontology II
- NRSG 4580L Intensive Nursing Management Adult/Gerontology II Clinical
- NRSG 4665 Nursing Care of the Family
- NRSG 4665L Nursing Care of the Family Clinical
- NRSG 4140 Discovery & Evidence-Based Practice
- NRSG 4003 Seminar: Personal & Social Responsibility
- NRSG 4780 Leadership and Management in Nursing
- NRSG 4980 Transition to Nursing Practice
- NRSG 4980L Transition to Nursing Practice Clinical
- NRSG 4981 Synthesis Clinical Reasoning
- NRSG 4004 Seminar: Integrative & Applied Learning
Total Credit Hours: 60
There are no elective hours in the Nursing major.
Additional Degree Requirements
Satisfactorily complete all graduation requirements listed in the academic policies section of this catalog.
Students should be aware that only courses required for degree completion can be used to determine aid eligibility for Federal financial aid programs such as grants, work-study, and loans. As such, no courses except those listed above will be used to calculate a student's Federal financial aid award.
Students should review the Course Program of Study information on the Financial Aid website or speak to their Financial Aid advisor for additional information.
Total Credit Hours: 120
Registrerede sygeplejersker er ansat i en bred vifte af miljøer og roller. I Georgien findes der rigelige faglige muligheder i forskellige sundhedsbureauer for kandidater fra sygeplejerskeuddannelsen. Behovet for bachelor-forberedte sygeplejersker stiger årligt.
English Language Requirements
Certifikat dine engelskkundskaber med Duolingo English Test! DET er en praktisk, hurtig og overkommelig online engelsk test, der accepteres af over 4.000 universiteter (som denne) rundt om i verden.