- 8 Research Facilities
- Over 70 års erfaring i medicin
- Næsten 1000 akademiske lærere
- Over 5,8k studerende
Medical University of Bialystok
Det medicinske universitet i Bialystok er et moderne, hurtigt voksende offentligt universitet med en mission om at give den bedst mulige uddannelse til professionelt, ansvarligt, førende medicinsk personale; at udføre videnskabelig forskning på det mest avancerede niveau i hele verden; at implementere innovative løsninger i samarbejde med lægetjenesteudbydere og at reagere på sociale behov.
Vores universitet investerer løbende i udvikling af akademisk personale. Forskere nyder godt af adskillige stipendier, praktikophold, træning og studiebesøg til de bedste videnskabelige og uddannelsesmæssige centre i verden.
Det medicinske universitet i Bialystok påtager sig adskillige videnskabelige initiativer af væsentlig betydning for regionen og landet. Det er en forløber og leder i at udføre arbejde med kunstig intelligens i medicin og bidrage til udviklingen af storstilet forskning i genomik, proteomik, metabolomik, radiomik og bioinformatik.
Administration af universitetet er placeret i det 18. århundrede Branicki Palace , beliggende i byens centrum.
MUB er en statsinstitution for videregående uddannelser etableret i 1950. Universitetet er sammensat af 155 organisationsenheder, herunder 6 akademiske afdelinger, 83 grundlæggende videnskabelige afdelinger, 56 kliniske afdelinger, 8 uafhængige laboratorier.
Det er bemærkelsesværdigt, at det medicinske universitet i Bialystok er beliggende i en region med fremragende turistattraktioner. Regionen Podlasie er hjemsted for forskellige nationaliteter, sprog, religioner, traditioner og køkkener. Det er også et område, der er enestående for sin natur, da der er fire nationalparker, tre landskabsparker og næsten 90 naturreservater, som tilsammen udgør området kendt som Polens grønne lunger.
Hvorfor vælge vores universitet?
- Verdensomspændende anerkendt diplom
- Et effektivt system for medicinsk uddannelse og praktisk træning, bekræftet af høje scores af kandidater til eksamen
- Små studiegrupper, både i prækliniske og kliniske forløb
- Moderne, veludstyrede laboratorier, hospitaler og klinikker
- High Definition Medicin
- Ultramoderne center for medicinsk simulering
- Mere end 70 internationale aftaler med universiteter over hele verden
- Udviklet og integreret fællesskab af udenlandske og polske studerende
- Højstandard sovesale med internetadgang
- 17 studenterorganisationer
- Mange internationale begivenheder for at integrere hele det akademiske samfund, f.eks. International Sport Day, International Cooking Day eller International Karaoke Night
- Over 350 internationale alumner - der er en klub af internationale kandidater
- Lave leveomkostninger
- Meget god tog- og vejforbindelse til Warszawa (den største lufthavn i Polen med fly til flere dusin lande i verden)
Internationale studerende kan bruge VELKOMMEN CENTER , hvis formål er en omfattende service for udenlandske studerende, ph.d. studerende og videnskabeligt personale. På velkomstcentret vil de kunne modtage professionel hjælp vedrørende deres funktion på universitetet og i Bialystok. De dygtige velkomstcentermedarbejdere - venlige, energiske unge mennesker, tilbyder hjælp til at håndtere forskellige sager på universitetet, på bykontoret eller leje af lejlighed.
Der er også en gratis engelsksproget myMUB-mobilapp til internationale studerende.
Applikationen tilbyder mange nyttige funktioner, herunder interaktive kort over MUB-campus og byen med inkluderede universitetsbygninger samt Bialystok-monumenter, kontorer og servicepunkter. Integration med Google og Apple Maps giver dig mulighed for nemt at navigere til din valgte placering. Ud over talrige oplysninger om det medicinske universitet i Bialystok indeholder applikationen en masse universelt indhold.
Takket være myMUB-appen kan du:
- få de seneste oplysninger om universitetets funktion,
- lær interessante fakta om Bialystok, samt find værdifulde tips om ophold og studier i Polen,
- tjek placeringen af den valgte universitetsbygning, kontor, servicepunkt eller interessant sted på kortet over universitetscampus og Bialystok, og applikationen vil nemt guide dig til din destination. Derudover får du grundlæggende information om stedet (åbningstider, telefon, e-mail),
- konverter nemt udenlandsk valuta (EUR, USD, GBP, NOK, SEK) til PLN og omvendt,
- brug et dagplanstyringsværktøj integreret med din smartphone-kalender,
- se unikke billeder af Branicki-paladset og haven, vægmalerier eller de mest populære bymonumenter i Bialystok, lavet specielt til applikationen,
- og find mange andre løsninger til at lette dine studier på vores universitet og hverdagen i Bialystok.
Efter udvidelsen giver appen dig mulighed for at logge ind på din personlige profil, og derefter tjekke dit individuelle skema og modtage vigtige notifikationer rettet til den konkrete udenlandske studerende, studieår eller motionsgruppe. Ovennævnte funktioner er tilgængelige takket være det nye modul "Student Zone". En adgang til modulet "Student Zone" kan kun tilgås af English Division Studerende. Det er absolut den vigtigste del af myMUB-appudvidelsen. Det er værd at bemærke, at andre funktioner er tilgængelige for alle.
Google Play: Klik her
App Store: Klik her
Det medicinske fakultet er det ældste af alle fakulteterne på det medicinske universitet i Bialystok. Det blev åbnet samtidig med Doctor's Academy of Bialystok i henhold til Ministerrådets forordning den 3. februar 1950. I 1969 voksede Skolens virkefelt med oprettelsen af Tandlægeafdelingen. I de følgende år kom der løbende nye kurser i lægevidenskaben til. I 1999 åbnede Sygeplejeafdelingen på Det Medicinske Fakultet for efterfølgende at blive en selvstændig enhed i Skoleorganisationen, kaldet Fakultetet for Sygepleje og Sundhedspleje. Den 6-årige lægeuddannelse i engelsk startede i 2004. På Det Medicinske Fakultet blev uddannelsen i tandlægeteknik først lanceret som et praktisk kursus i Tandpleje i studieåret 2009/2010. Fakultetet er bemyndiget til at tildele doktorgrader, dvs. ph.d. i medicinske videnskaber og ph.d. med habilitering i medicin, medicinsk biologi og tandpleje. Fakultetets forsknings- og undervisningsressourcer fortsatte med at vokse og udvikle sig gennem årene, med mange nye lærere ansat og nye afdelinger/klinikker bygget. Undervisning, forskning, diagnostik og patientbehandling leveres af fakultetet gennem dets 69 organisationsenheder, herunder 26 afdelinger, 40 klinikker, 2 studiecentre og to uafhængige laboratorier.
The University has a state-of-the-art research and educational infrastructure, which includes, among others: a modern University Teaching Hospital, Euroregional Pharmacy Centre, Didactic and Scientific Centre of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Centre for Experimental Medicine, Centre for Clinical Research, Centre for Bioinformatics and Data Analysis, Laboratory of Molecular Imaging and Centre for Medical Simulation.
The University’s standing has been verified through an assessment by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, according to which all the three MUB Divisions have category A and KNOW status (2012 - 2017). Moreover, MUB was the only university in Poland to be awarded COFUND, a prestigious grant for the doctoral study program offered, as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Program within the Framework Program of the European Commission - Horizon 2020.
At the moment the University has around 5500 students in 16 medical fields, of whom 400 persons study at the English Division. Foreign students come to study here from all over the world, including such countries as Norway, Sweden, the USA, Canada, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia, just to name a few.
MUB offers education in the following fields: Laboratory Medicine, Biostatistics, Dietetics, Electroradiology, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Cosmetology, Medicine, Dentistry, Speech Therapy with Phonoaudiology, Nursing, Midwifery, Emergency Medicine, Dental Technology, Dental Hygiene, and Public Health & Epidemiology, as well as doctoral and postgraduate programs. The University graduates are well prepared to work with patients, attending to them and their wellbeing, respecting universal ethical principles; however, they are also qualified for a career in research, exploring the mysteries of science which can be thereafter put to practice.
There are study clubs and student organizations at the university, where students engage in clinical trials, learn certain practical skills, take part in scientific conferences, and pursue their academic interests.
The University is headquartered in an eighteenth-century Baroque palace called the Versailles of the North, located in the city center. There is the University campus, school buildings, two teaching hospitals, student dormitories, and sports facilities nearby.
University Library
Studying at the Medical University of Bialystok is supported by a modern and very well-equipped University Library. It is the largest scientific-medical library in the Podlasie region. It was established in 1950 along with the University.
The Library offers diverse services and training and has the added function of a medical science information center. Its resources are mainly used by students, postgraduates, research, and academic staff, as well as health professionals from the region and scientific institutions elsewhere.
At the moment there are nearly 130,000 books + 50,000 journals + 8,000 special collection items held at the Library. Apart from the printed resources, the Library provides access to a lot of bibliographic and full-text databases, comprising 15,000 online journals. Academic staff and students use the online sources not only via the academic network but also from their home PCs, 24h access to scientific literature. Details of the library resources are available in online catalogs. Library users can book the titles they want to borrow and monitor their account status via the ALEPH remote library system.
Printed and digital resources are available for use in two stylish reading rooms, with PC workstations and wireless Internet connection.
In addition to its core service, the Library hosts lectures to promote a healthy lifestyle and displays paintings by Polish artists who worked in Poland and abroad at a series of exhibitions advertised as Art in the Library.
Bilingual Labelling System

A bilingual labelling system (Polish and English) has been installed in buildings, rooms, classrooms and communication routes located on the University campus. Among the labelled buildings, one can distinguish premises such as Collegium Primum, Collegium Universum, Branicki Palace, Collegium Integratio, Student Dormitories, Centre for Medical Simulation, Euroregional Pharmacy Centre.
The whole system comprises of 68 external and 2,511 internal information boards.
This way, the University tries to make it easier for guests from abroad to navigate around the campus, mainly students but also scientists, doctoral students and administrative staff staying here as part of various types of exchanges or projects.
Profilen på Keystone Healthcarestudies.com er blevet finansieret af det polske nationale agentur for akademisk udveksling inden for programmet Welcome to Poland (2023).

In order to qualify for admittance to the Medical University of Bialystok, each candidate must complete the official admission process via an online registration system. In the event of any issue arising from the registration process, please send an email via our online registration system.
For your application to be evaluated, you have to complete all required steps and press the submit button. Application not submitted will not be considered.
The Medical University of Bialystok does not offer 4-year MD programs taught in English.
6-Year English- Language MD Program Admission Requirements
The 6-year MD program is offered for High School graduates who:
- Possess a School Leaving Certificate; the certificate must contain a statement that its holder has the right to apply for a position within a University or Institute of Higher Education. Positive grades in two out of four subjects - Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Mathematics - must be shown on the certificate.
- Or have passed the Matura Exam (High School Final Exam) in two out of four subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or Mathematics.
Each candidate for a first-year is responsible for providing proof of his or her qualifications for admission. Applicants are admitted on the basis of their position on the ranking list of candidates. The position on the ranking list is based on the total amount of points achieved in the following:
Part I:
The number of points calculated from their grades recorded in the official high school transcript/maturity certificate/ and on the candidate request, grades recorded in the other certificates (SAT II subject test exam or other post-graduate university courses) The basis for the conversion will be an internal evaluation system* based on public information made available by High School or Ministry of Education from the candidate's country of origin. The minimum number of required points recalculated from the grades must be at least 100* Two grades out of the following four subjects are required and taken for evaluation: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or Mathematics.
In the event of the applicant being in the final year of study at high school, he or she should provide an official high school transcript showing grades achieved during the winter semester or final grades expected. Upon receipt of a high school diploma, the candidate is also under an obligation to provide this to the University.
* in the event of the maximum number of placements not being reached, extended recruitment with a lower point threshold comes into operation.
Part II:
The number of points achieved during an interview* based on general knowledge and English language skills for medical studies and the medical profession - a maximum of 100 points.
*An interview will be scheduled under the conditions for submission of all required documents.
*The candidate may be interviewed in person or by means of electronic communication, provided that all the required documents are presented and the recruitment fee is paid.
*Internal evaluation system
All applicants are requested to submit the following documents:
1. Completed application form.
An application form should be completed via our online registration system, printed out during the "required documents" step, and signed with a handwritten signature.
2. School Leaving Certificate/High School Diploma and, where applicable, Matriculation Examination.
- Both documents must be presented as a true certified copy with Apostille;
- For the students from countries not covered by the Apostille Convention, a true certified copy with a legalization stamp has to be obtained from a consul of the Republic of Poland in the country where the certificate was issued.
3. Required subjects:
Two out of four: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or Mathematics.
4. Berettigelseserklæring (hvis skoleafgangsbeviset ikke indeholder en erklæring om, at dets indehaver har ret til at søge en stilling ved et videregående universitet).
A declaration clearly stating that the relevant certificate (School Leaving Certificate/High School Diploma) entitles the holder to apply for admission to the university or any other higher education institution which grants academic degrees in the country where the certificate was issued.
This document should be completed and certified (with a signature and official seal) by:
- The higher educational authorities (eg. Ministry of Education) of the country, where the certificate was issued, or
- A consul of the Republic of Poland in the country where the certificate has been issued, or
- Your country's diplomatic mission institution is located in Poland.
This document does not apply to prospective students whose School Leaving Certificate/High School Diploma already includes such a statement.
5. Health certificate.
This must be submitted on an original health certificate form downloaded from our website or online registration system ("required documents" step).
6. Photocopy of the applicant's passport (the page with the picture and personal data).
7. Photocopy of the applicant's insurance card.
8. 1 color passport photograph (entire head must be visible).
All the above documents must be submitted during the process of registration with our online registration system.
After the candidate receives the Promissory Letter of Enrollment he/or she is under obligation to deliver an original or true certified copy to the Dean’s Office.
Applications or other documents submitted via email will not be considered.
All documents submitted must be originals or true certified copies. If the documents are not written in English, they must be accompanied by translations (into English or Polish) certified by an approved institution (e.g. the issuing body or a sworn translator). School Leaving Certificate/High School Diploma and/ if apply Matriculation Examination originals must be delivered to the Dean’s Office for viewing prior to the beginning of the preliminary course.
The true certified copy with an Apostille and originals must be in the same language.
Attention: the applications submitted after the deadline or incomplete will not be considered.
For at studere i Polen skal hver studerende legalisere dit ophold på Republikken Polens territorium.
Borgere fra Den Europæiske Union eller lande fra Det Europæiske Økonomiske Samarbejdsområde behøver ikke et visum for at studere i Polen. De kan rejse ind i Polen med deres ID'er (et gyldigt rejsedokument, såsom et pas eller et andet dokument for at bevise deres identitet og statsborgerskab). Men når de ankommer, skal de registrere deres ophold i Polen i en periode på over 90 dage. Du skal ansøge guvernøren i Podlasie-regionen om en midlertidig opholdstilladelse
Hvis du er ikke-EU-borger , skal du have et visum på et polsk konsulat i dit hjemland, før du ankommer til Polen. Når du ankommer til Polen, skal du ansøge om et midlertidigt opholdskort for at forlænge dit ophold.
Alle EU-borgere og ikke-EU-borgere er forpligtet til at legalisere deres ophold i Polen, hvis det er længere end 90 dage eller efter deres visumudløbsdato.
Hver studerende skal ansøge om et midlertidigt opholdskort på det lokale voivodskabskontor. For at åbne proceduren skal studerende indsende følgende:
- Et gyldigt pas (2 fotokopier)
- Rejsedokumenter (flybilletter/boardingkort)
- Udfyldt et ansøgningsskema – 4 eksemplarer (tilgængelig fra Voivodeship Office)
- 4 farvefotografier 4,5×3,5 cm (venstre profil)
- Bekræftelse af lokal registrering af bolig (på kollegiet eller en anden adresse, hvor den studerende skal bo - meldunek*)
- Bevis for statslån eller kontoudtog for at verificere tilgængeligheden af nok kontanter til at støtte den studerende under deres ophold og i deres studier
- Et certifikat blev udstedt af dekanen for at bekræfte den studerendes status.
- Forsikring med rejseforsikring i hele forsikringstagerens ophold i Polen
Alle dokumenter skal udfyldes på polsk eller oversættes til polsk af en edsvoren oversætter.
Et opholdskort er gyldigt i 15 måneder + 3 måneders forlængelsesperiode. Stempelafgifter for udstedelse af et midlertidigt opholdskort og for den officielle procedure er på PLN 390.
Personer, der har fået visum for hele deres ophold i Polen, behøver ikke at ansøge om et midlertidigt opholdskort.
*Meldunek betyder registrering på dit bopælssted i Polen.
Du skal indgive din ansøgning personligt senest på den sidste dag i den lovlige periode for dit ophold i Polen. Alle ikke-EU-studerende rådes kraftigt til ikke at vente til sidste øjeblik med legaliseringen af deres ophold.
Husk at visumansøgningsprocessen kan tage lang tid. Før du ansøger til vores universitet, skal du sørge for, at du har nok tid til at få et visum, før forkurset starter.

Det polske nationale agentur for akademisk udveksling (NAWA)
NAWA er en ny institution, som blev oprettet den 1. oktober 2017. Dens rolle er at koordinere statslige aktiviteter, der fremmer internationaliseringsprocessen for akademiske institutioner og forskningsinstitutioner i Polen. NAWA's mission er at fremme Polens vækst og udvikling inden for videnskab og videregående uddannelse.
- Støtte til international mobilitet for studerende, akademikere og forskere;
- Støtte til internationaliseringsprocessen i de polske videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner og forskningsinstitutioner;
- Fremme af polsk videnskab og videregående uddannelse i Polen;
- Fremme og støtte til undervisning i polsk sprog;
- Kontakt den nye afdeling for internationalt samarbejde på MUB for at få oplysninger om finansieringsmuligheder.
International Rankings
As part of the implementation of the internationalization strategy, it is assumed to increase the presence of the Medical University of Bialystok in the global higher education rankings. Universities included in international rankings, due to their greater recognition, are more attractive destinations for international students. The inclusion of MUB in international higher education rankings will also have a positive impact on the position of University graduates in the labor market. In most cases, the evaluation of universities is based on quantifiable indicators. Universities are evaluated and ranked depending on the subject and scope of activities covered by the ranking. During the evaluation, the reputation of the University in relation to research staff, employers, and students is also examined.
To date, the Medical University of Bialystok has been listed in 10 international university ranking:
Times Higher Education (THE) is a British weekly magazine that organises prestigious rankings of universities around the world. The Medical University of Bialystok has so far participated in 3 rankings offered by THE:
- World University Rankings (THE) - THE World University Rankings assesses education, internationalisation of universities, research conducted, citation and publication rates, and university-business collaboration using 5 criteria. THE World University Rankings consist of overall, subject, reputation and also regional rankings. The Medical University of Bialystok has been ranked between 1001 and 1200 in the world.
- World University Rankings by Subject - The ranking of clinical and health faculties uses the same trusted and rigorous performance indicators as the World University Rankings, but the methodology has been tailored to specific disciplines. The ranking highlights universities that are leaders in medicine, dentistry and other health-related subjects. The university has been positioned at 601+ in the Clinical and Health category.
- University Impact Rankings - a ranking that assesses universities in terms of meeting the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The MUB chose to make its case in terms of supporting the achievement of Goal 3 ‘Good Health and Quality of Life’, Goal 5 ‘Gender Equality’, Goal 9 ‘Innovation, Industry, Infrastructure’ and the mandatory Goal 17 ‘Partnerships for the Goals’. The Medical University of Bialystok ranked between 1001 and 1500

US News Best Global Universities Rankings (US News) - developed by an American company operating in the media industry since the 1930s. Its ranking is based on a list of 1500 universities with the highest number of publications and 250 top universities ranked on the basis of a reputation survey. From this pool, the top 1500 universities are included in the main ranking. Individual fields of study are subject to seperate rankings.
University is currently ranked 1758th in the Global ranking (588th in Europe, 37th among Polish universities).
The Medical University of Bialystok is currently ranked 765th in the Clinical Medicine category.

U-Multirank by subject - evaluates fields of study in five main areas of activity: research, international cooperation, quality of teaching and learning, transfer of knowledge and technology, and cooperation at a regional level. The aim of the ranking (created with the support of the European Commission) is to create a tool that will enable candidates to search universities in terms of the most relevant criteria for them.
The Medical University of Bialystok was included in the global ranking and by-subject ranking (Medicine). Our University is characterised by a very high evaluation of the "Teaching and Learning" and "Regional Engagement" paramterer.

SCImago (SIR) – SIR rankings rank academic and research centers based on multi-criteria indicators. The most important of them, which have a key impact on evaluation, are research potential, innovation, as well as the impact of the institution's actions in the social space. For ranking purposes, the calculation is generated annually on the basis of the results obtained over a period of five years ending two years before the ranking's edition.
The Medical University of Bialystok has been ranked 2862th (15th in Poland) in the SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR).

CWTS Leiden Ranking - is based on bibliographic data from the Web of Science database created by Clarivate Analytics. The first edition of the ranking was held in 2007. Since then, the ranking has been steadily gaining popularity. This is a single-criteria ranking. It evaluates universities for their research and publication potential.
The Medical University of Bialystok is ranked at a high 1055th position in the global ranking (583rd in Europe).

Web of Universities (Webometrics) – the Ranking publishes webometric indicators for more than 12,000 universities. It is created on the basis of a complex index. It takes into account both the amount of online content (the number of websites and files on the internet) and the recognisability, visibility, and impact of these online publications. They are estimated based on the number of external links. The ranking is an initiative of Cybermetrics Lab – a research group of the Spanish National Research Council. The aim of the ranking is to increase the presence of academic institutions on the internet, as well as to promote free access to the results of scientific research online.
The Medical University of Bialystok has been included in the global and regional ranking (2196th place in the world, 42th place in Poland).

University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) - the main objective of URAP is to develop a ranking system based on academic performance indicators that reflect the quality and quantity of academic publications. URAP publishes the world ranking of universities since 2010. Since 2011, the rankings by subject have also been published. The latest rankings cover 3,000 universities from around the world and 61 different specialist subject areas.
The Medical University of Bialystok has been included in the global and regional ranking (2196th place in the world, 42th place in Poland).

CWUR - The ranking (CWUR) has been published since 2012. The evaluation of the University is basen on 4 pillars (education, position of graduates on the labor market, faculties and research). The seat of the ranking organizer is in the United Arab Emirates.
The Medical University of Bialystok has been classified at 1629th place in the world.

International Accreditations

The Medical Council of Thailand
Medical Council of Thailand, the Thai medical council responsible for procedures and issues related to the medical professions in this country. Its scope includes the English Division medical education program (curriculum), educational management and clinical hospitals.

ASPIRE – ASPIRE Excellence Certificate of Merit in Student Engagement
ASPIRE is a program that confirms international excellence in education in the fields of medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine. The ASPIRE accreditation allows universities to be internationally recognized for their excellence in education.

APHEA – Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation
APHEA represents the five leading associations of public health in the European Region and is committed to assuring and improving the quality of educational activities throughout the European Region and the globe. Accreditation is aimed at supporting the continued amelioration of education and training for public health workforces throughout the world by providing international and transparent quality recognition.
Scope of accreditation:
- Bachelor and Master's Public Health Programmes

MBC – Medical Board of California
The Medical Board of California is a state government agency that licenses and disciplines medical doctors. The mission of the Medical Board of California is to protect healthcare consumers through the proper licensing and regulation of physicians and surgeons and certain allied healthcare professionals and through the vigorous, objective enforcement of the Medical Practice Act, and to promote access to quality medical care through the Board's licensing and regulatory functions.
Scope of accreditation:
- Medicine Programme (in Polish)

NCFMEA – National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation
The Committee is authorized to evaluate the standards of accreditation applied to foreign medical schools and to determine the comparability of those standards to standards applied to medical schools in the United States.
The Medical University of Bialystok is accredited by the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA), which is confirmed by the NFCMEA to use compatible standards to accredit medical schools to those in the USA, which in turn means that the Medical University of Bialystok complies with the US standards.
NCFMEA comparability decisions are subject to periodic evaluation.
Scope of accreditation:
- Medicine Programme
- Bialystok
Medical University of Bialystok ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1 15-089 Białystok Poland, 15-089, Bialystok