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Thiel College

Når du vælger Thiel College , returnerer din uddannelsesinvestering værdi i din levetid. Bare spørg nogen, du møder på campus; vi brænder for at hjælpe vores studerende med at få succes.

Thiel (udtales "teel") tilbyder en tværfaglig forankring i den liberale kunst med en omfattende, integreret videnbase for dit valgte erhverv. Du vil opleve teoretisk læring, praktiske og praktiske opgaver, servicelæringsaktiviteter og praktikophold – for den bedste karriereforberedelse, du kan forestille dig. En bred vifte af co-curricular aktiviteter vil hjælpe dig med at udvikle lederskabsevner, du ikke vidste, du havde. Et udfordrende og støttende honours-program vil presse dig til at vokse og lære, som du aldrig troede, du kunne!

Akkreditering og tilknytning

Thiel College er en uafhængig institution for liberal kunst, videnskab og professionelle studier, der er forpligtet til at levere bacheloruddannelse af høj kvalitet og er akkrediteret af Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (267-284-5000), en institutionel akkrediteringsbureau anerkendt af den amerikanske uddannelsesminister og Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Thiel College har tilknytning til:

  • Den evangelisk-lutherske kirke i Amerika
  • Pennsylvania Department of Education
  • National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
  • Rådet for Uafhængige Højskoler
  • Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania


Thiel College blev grundlagt i 1866 og er et uafhængigt liberal arts college i det vestlige Pennsylvania, der tilbyder innovative bachelor- og kandidatuddannelser. Thiel er formet af sin lutherske arv og tilbyder et tilgængeligt og inkluderende læringsmiljø og betjener en mangfoldig befolkning af studerende. Thiel tilbyder robuste co-curricular og atletiske oplevelser og fremmer livslang vækst, læring og relationer.

Erklæring om mission

Thiel College forbereder eleverne til karrierer og liv med mening og formål og giver individer mulighed for at nå deres fulde potentiale i et mangfoldigt, retfærdigt og inkluderende læringsmiljø. Kollegiet fremmer pædagogisk ekspertise, innovation og etisk lederskab og giver karakteristiske læringsmuligheder for studerende og tjener som et aktiv for regionens sociale, økonomiske og uddannelsesmæssige udvikling.


I løbet af de næste fem år vil Thiel College omfavne og projektere en dristig og dynamisk kultur af innovation og kreativt lederskab. Campussamfundet vil samarbejde for at fremme en overbevisende mission ved at vedtage innovative tilgange til studerendes læring, udvikling af læseplaner, samfundspartnerskaber og campusaktiviteter. Kollegiet vil skabe nye muligheder for studerende, fakulteter og medarbejdere til at fremme innovation og udvikle sig som kreative ledere. Nye forretnings-, samfunds- og uddannelsespartnerskaber vil udvide kollegiets rækkevidde og give studerende erfaringsbaseret læring, praktikophold og netværksmuligheder. Mens kollegiet fortsætter med at sætte fokus på sin kerneværdi i at give meget personlige læringsoplevelser i et omsorgsfuldt og støttende campusmiljø, vil kollegiet udvide sin brug af teknologi for at forbedre elevernes læring, øge samarbejdet og modernisere alle aspekter af campusprogrammer og -tjenester.

Academic Preparation

Preference will be given to those students who display superior ability to do college work as demonstrated by their high school records.

Thiel College expects a student to have completed at least 16 units of high school work by the conclusion of the senior year. It is strongly recommended that the student take:

  • Four years of English
  • Two years of a foreign language
  • Two years of mathematics
  • Two years of science
  • Three years of social science

A student preparing for college study in engineering, mathematics, or the sciences should complete three years of mathematics and three years of science.

A student having earned a General Education Development (GED) diploma must submit a copy of the diploma with test results in addition to an official transcript of all high school work completed.

Applications for admission should be submitted online. Thiel also accepts the Common Application. After submitting a completed application, the student should request that his or her high school send an official copy of their high school transcript directly to the Thiel College Office of Admissions.

Students are not required to submit their official SAT and/or ACT test results. SAT and/or ACT test scores may be requested for scholarship consideration and/or if the student's high school transcripts do not meet our requirements. Students who fall below the minimum requirements of the GPA and/or ACT and SAT scores may be reviewed by an Application Review Committee.

Upon acceptance to Thiel College, a tuition deposit of $150 is required to reserve the student’s place in the incoming class.

International Admission Guidelines

All citizens of foreign countries are encouraged and welcome to apply for admission to Thiel College. To begin the application process, a prospective student must file a formal application with the Office of International Admission.

The student may file an application using either of the methods listed below:

  • Online Application (preferred method)
  • Common Application Form

Application Deadlines

The academic year at Thiel College consists of two semesters: fall (August) and spring (January). Thiel College adopts a rolling admissions policy and there is no set application deadline. However, it is strongly recommended that an applicant complete all admissions formalities and be accepted to Thiel, a minimum of six weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the international student wishes to enroll.

Academic Admissions Requirements

  • TOEFL: 450 (PBT), 45 (IBT), 133 (CBT)
  • IELTS: 5.0 band
  • ACT: 18 composite score
  • GPA: 2.4 cumulative
  • 900/1600 scale

Documentation Required

Applicants must provide documentation to demonstrate their academic proficiency and financial eligibility; all documents provided must be notarized (certified). All documents submitted become the property of Thiel College and are not returnable or refundable. Students who wish to obtain copies of documents submitted must provide a signed written request to the Office of Academic Records. The following documents must be submitted before an application can be processed (Translations are required for records in a language other than English):

  1. Application Form
  2. Passport Copy
  3. Senior High School Transcript: A complete and official educational record of grades, diplomas, and certificates received. These documents must be attested to by the institution attended.
  4. University/College Transcript: Applicable only to international student applicants planning to transfer credits from a college or university within or outside the United States.
  5. TOEFL/IELTS/SAT/ACT Test Scores: Applicants are required to take either one of these standardized exams and have the scores reported directly to the College, by mentioning Thiel College’s CEEB code (2910) when taking the exam.
  6. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants are required to submit a minimum of one letter. The letter must be written by someone who has known and experienced the applicant’s work in a professional setting related to the major of choice. (e.g.: professor, principal, dean)
  7. Statement of Objective (Maximum 500 words): Applicants must submit an essay describing the reason for desiring to study at Thiel. Additionally, mention future academic plans, career objectives, and the motivation behind the intention to return home.
  8. Official Bank Statement of Sponsor (notarized OR Sponsor’s Affidavit of Support (notarized): The sponsor must state their willingness and ability to sponsor the applicant’s education and living expenses. Additionally, the sponsor must list the various sources of income that will be used to support the applicant.
  9. Financial Certification Form: The sponsor must document the availability of a minimum of one year’s total costs (USD $49,000).

English Language Requirements

Certifikat dine engelskkundskaber med Duolingo English Test! DET er en praktisk, hurtig og overkommelig online engelsk test, der accepteres af over 4.000 universiteter (som denne) rundt om i verden.

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    75 College Ave


Thiel College